芝加哥大学申请Essay 1写作要点及范文解析

时间:2022-2-8 作者:Assignment4me


芝加哥大学申请Essay 1写作要点及范文解析

芝加哥大学Essay一共有两篇,Essay 1 和 Essay 2。在今天的文章中,先给大家介绍一下Essay 1的写作要点,并附上一些优秀写作范例,最后给大家瞅瞅Essay 2的“脑洞”题目。


Essay 1 题目解析

Essay 1 的题目是——为什么选择芝加哥大学?(Why UChicago?)。这是申请芝加哥大学的必备材料,每个提交申请的学生都必须对这个问题进行阐述(Essay 2 则可以选择自己擅长的题目进行回答)。

在Essay 1中,你需要讲清楚你申请芝加哥大学的原因,以及学校所提供的课程对你未来的规划有哪些不可或缺的帮助。具体谈谈你的发展目标以及芝加哥大学对于目标完成度的重要性与必要性。在字数方面,芝加哥大学没有严格的字数限制,但篇幅最好还是控制在1-2页纸。


Essay 1 写作方法

① 题目解析


那么,招生官希望从essay 1 中得到哪些关键信息?







② 推荐写作主题


  • 芝加哥大学提供的宝贵研究机会
  • 你希望能一起进行研究的教授
  • 你所认识的芝加哥大学的学生,以及你非常欣赏TA的地方
  • 芝加哥大学奖学金及相关援助政策
  • 吸引你的志愿者活动
  • ……

③ 需避免的写作雷区




Essay 1 优秀示例与分析

Essay 1 优秀示例:

Dear University of Chicago,

It fills me up with that gooey sap you feel late at night when I think about things that are really special to me about you. Sometimes I just hunger for more, but I keep that a secret. The mail you send is such a tease; I like to imagine additional words on the page. Words like “you’re accepted” or “you’re awesome!” or “don’t worry, she still loves you!” but I know they’re all lies. You never called after that one time, I visited you thrice, but you never come around anymore. Tell me, was I just one in a line of many? Was I just another supple “applicant” to you, looking for a place to live, looking for someone to teach me the ways of the world? The closeness between us was beautiful, it couldn’t have been just me that felt it, I know you felt it too. The intimacy was akin to that of scholar and original text, your depth as a person is astounding! To be honest, I must confess I had already dreamt of a rosy future together, one filled with late nights and long discussions over the Gothic era and the ethical stage of Kierkegaard, we would watch the sunset together and spend every Christmas snuggled in blankets. Eventually we would get older, I would become a well-educated corporate lawyer and you would enrich yourself within the domain of human knowledge. Your cup overfloweth with academic genius, pour a little on me. You’re legendary for it, they all told me it would never work out between us, but I had hope. I had so much hope; I replied to your adorable letters and put up with your puns. I knew going into it that you would be an expensive one to keep around, I accounted for all that; I understand someone of your caliber and taste.

And now you inquire as to my wishes? They’re simple, accept me for who I am! Why can’t you just love and not ask why? Not ask about my assets or my past? I’m living in the now, I’m waiting for you to catch up, but you’re too caught up in my past, I offer us a future together, not a past to dwell upon. Whenever I’m around you, I just get that tingle deep inside me that tells me you’re the one; you have that air of brilliance and ingenuity that I crave in a person, you’re so mature and sophisticated, originality is really your strongest and most admirable trait. I wish we could be together, I still think in my heart of hearts we were meant to be, but you have to meet me halfway, dear. I’m on one knee here with tears welling up in my eyes, the fireworks are timed and ready to light up the night sky for you, just say ‘I accept…you.’





1. 对题目的创造性理解


2. 完整地回应题目




Essay 2 题目一览

对于essay 2,院校一般会提供六个题目,申请者可以根据提示和自己的能力进行选择;题目内容基本每年都会更新,但数量基本保持不变,增减一般不会超过一个。这些题目多数是由芝加哥大学的毕业校友或在校学生提出的;在字数方面,与问题1一样提交1-2页纸即可。



What if the moon were made of cheese? Or Neptune made of soap? Pick a celestial object, reimagine its material composition, and explore the implications. Feel free to explore the realms of physics, philosophy, fantasy…the sky is the limit!

—Inspired by Tate Flicker, Class of 2025


芝加哥大学申请Essay 1写作要点及范文解析


What’s so easy about pie?

—Inspired by Arjun Kalia, Class of 2025



In Homer’s Iliad, Helen had a “face that launched a thousand ships.” A millihelen, then, measures the beauty needed to launch one ship. The Sagan unit is used to denote any large quantity (in place of “billions and billions”). A New York Minute measures the period of time between a traffic light turning green and the cab behind you honking. Invent a new unit of measurement. How is it derived? How is it used? What are its equivalents?

—Inspired by Carina Kane, Class of 2024, and Ishaan Goel, Class of 2025



芝加哥大学申请Essay 1写作要点及范文解析图源:the conversation


“There is no such thing as a new idea” – Mark Twain. Are any pieces of art, literature, philosophy, or technology truly original, or just a different combination of old ideas? Pick something, anything (besides yourself), and explain why it is, or is not, original.

—Inspired by Haina Lu, Class of 2022



It’s said that history repeats itself. But what about other disciplines? Choose another field (chemistry, philosophy, etc.) and explain how it repeats itself. Explain how it repeats itself.

—Inspired by Ori Brian, AB’19



In the spirit of adventurous inquiry (and with the encouragement of one of our current students!) choose one of our past prompts (or create a question of your own). Be original, creative, thought provoking. Draw on your best qualities as a writer, thinker, visionary, social critic, sage, citizen of the world, or future citizen of the University of Chicago; take a little risk, and have fun!




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